100s More Testimonials From Those Who’ve Benefited from “Silent Sales Machine” Training

Raving fans of Silent Sales Machine


This Book Changed Our Business Model & Our Life. This book helped us in a tremendous way. We had reached the limit of our eBay store business model and we were stuck. Then we got a copy of this book (I think it was the 4th edition). It pointed us in a new direction …which turned our five figure business into a thriving six figure business – on our way to a seven figure business. I can honestly tell you that it was this book (in the Summer of 2009) that provided the dramatic break-through in our thinking, planning and selling. It gave us a bigger vision and plan…and in the last four years that plan has proven to work incredibly well. So my review isn’t of the writing style, or the word choices (of course those are good). My review is of the overall strategy Jim lays out in this book – 5-Stars all the way. If you’re struggling to take your small online business to a bigger place – then this book is a great resource. 

– Jason & Cinnamon MilesLiberty Jane ClothingAuthors Of Craft Business PowerReview from Amazon.com

The Silent Sales Machine book IS about what works online Jim’s book “Silent Sales Machine” will teach you how to establish multiple streams of income that you can automate online and quickly begin to achieve results and earn profits. If you want to learn about the power of residual income and stop trading time for dollars then get this book. He also has an audio version which I have listened to multiple times. This book covers everything from email marketing to video marketing, Amazon, eBay and even building a business with off-line businesses. I read this book after I had been online for four years and really truly wish I could have read it sooner. After reading it I also attended Jim’s first conference in 2013, met him personally and decided to invest in his mastermind coaching services. Jim teaches principles that will work and has hundreds of thousands of people in his community that have real results and have earned profits. I highly recommend this book to anyone that wants to get started online and start their own silent sales machine.

– Montina “Sparkwisdom” PortisAuthor of YouTube Video Marketing Secrets Revealed: The Beginners Guide to Online Video MarketingReview from Amazon.com

Jim Cockrum always delivers. Jim is without a doubt one of the finest business mentors available on the internet today. He always delivers far more than you pay for. Excellent advise. Never a waste of time or money.

– William J. HayesReview from Amazon.com

Good source of info. The price can’t be beat. I had problems, though, with the links in the eBook. They wouldn’t work for me! Contacted support and I ended up using a .pdf version which is just fine with me. Support says this has never happened to other buyers, so maybe it was just me. ??? This is a book you need to read through a couple of times, to let major points sink in. Good job Jim!

– Alan R. GastReview from Amazon.com

I just finished reading your book and I am very excited to get started. I am still working to define my niche but I know your book and [ProvenAmazonCourse com] will be just what I need to achieve my desired success. I am joining your MySilentTeam program tonight and looking forward to joining in the forum conversations. BTW…I found you after Googling for credibility information for a very expensive competitor. I am so glad I followed by gut and looked you up from a couple of comments I found on this other program. Nice to see someone with integrity in this business.

– David Cook posted at JimCockrum.com

I had been selling successfully on ebay for 6 years and was chomping at the bit to get into other avenues of internet marketing. Jim helped open up those avenues for me without me having to “Break the Bank”. I am so glad I found him and his sites. Every email I get from him gets opened. Every new update gets read. I never feel like I am being sold yet I want to purchase anything he offers. He genuinely cares.

– Jamie aka “whoesalecoin”

In just a year, I have grown my social media and internet marketing business to a six-figure business and I am NOT a salesperson!

– T. Patzer

I really enjoyed [the 2 free chapters] especially your Chapter 5: Where Not To Start. I wish I would have read that chapter a few years ago, because I have tried just about everyone of the things you said don’t work. Unfortunately I found that out the hard way. Those two chapters certainly motivated me to get the entire transcript of your book. Thank you for all you provide to budding internet marketers.

– Michael Gibson

Hi Jim, I read your book within a few days of receiving it and I’m very excited about the opportunities! The book was worth way more than $5.00. I’m working on a strategy to start selling on E-Bay so I can start collecting email addresses for a future blog. I also hope to write an Ebook for beginner campers and also give out free recipes of my favorite camping meals. Eventually I would also like to write a Camping Recipe E-Book. I haven’t fully digested the book yet to figure out how and when to pull it all together but as I said I’m very excited!

– Tom Haslam, posted at JimCockrum.com

Dear Jim Just thought I’d drop you a line. I’m enjoying your Silent Sales machine ebook at present. I enrolled on PAC also last week as I need to expan and build my amazon business and need new direction. I was interested in your comment in the SSM ebook I think it was where you say that building a website and doing affiliate marketing you’re gonna get slaughtered! And that you’re probably the only guy saying this. Well, I think you are the only guy. But, I agree. I signed up with a well known UK internet marketer last year, and spent 100s of hours following instructions, built a shiny website, created free gift, sales funnel, spent over $200 on solo ads from well known solo ad sellers with tonnes of testimonials, got plenty of opt-ins, had the follow up sequence emails set up in aweber, but sold not one high converting affiliate offer, absolutely nothing. Even after following instructions, creating free advice emails, affiliate offers for relevant products, etc. Over 2 months of regular emails to my list, still nothing. I followed the training to the letter, but, became so dissillusioned, and now realised why 97% of Internet marketers fail, and get slaughtered. I would get an open rate of perhaps 1% on emails, and a trickle of unsubscribes every day, some spams, etc. All this from “quality” traffic I had bought. I asked around on whether my experiences were unusual. I got talking to one well know lady solo ad seller and she admitted people are tired of opening internet marketer’s emails. I realised that unless I had a really good product of my own, brilliant sales copy, superb sales funnel, and a whole bunch of other things in the equasion, I would fail at internet marketing, just like everyone else. I talked to the marketer who I bought the training from, his product is good mostly, but the promises of 6 figures are a pipe dream I feel for most. For the successful internet marketers, many of them I think have to sell their soul to the Devil, to make it big. They have to hype their product to the hilt, with many promises of the same riches to all those who buy their training. I may be wrong, but affiliate marketing is not what it was several years ago. I realised that the training course I bought that was relevant 3 years ago, had seriously outdated in many parts, especially with regard to sales pages, and free content to offer subscribers. I know it’s possible to succeed, but, I cannot find it in myself to become one of the herd that with affiliate marketing sells “frustration” to other desperate newbies who want their own internet business with the latest training, that only the smartest and most dedicated will be able to succeed in. So, maybe $1000 later, and after being on your list for 2 years, I have begun to listen to your take on things. I already have an amazon business, and ebay, but want to do better, far better with them. I have a host of ideas, always have, and want to create different income streams. I like your manner of teaching, it’s grounded and honest, and you said what I was thinking myself, about the affiliate marketing. Just thought I’d tell you this, and many thanks for the excellent info you provide.

Kind Regards,– Simon Charlton

Hey, Jim. The reason I am here is that I should acknowledge you’re one of those whose advice do really help me out concerning developing commercial web projects. I live in Ukraine and work as a Web project director. I know my English is not that good, but the only words I need right now is Thank you for the work you do. I have read 4 books of yours, and I didn’t regret a single minute while reading them although time is money 馃檪

–  Eduard Kuzmin, posted at JimCockrum.com

Ok, I feel like I’m ready to whoop a bit! We started on FBA last November. Hubby came home from his day job in Feb. We were prepared with 6 months worth of money and a lot of supplies/food/etc. In two days, we will celebrate 6 months of him being home with the family. We have had our best month ever every month since February. We still have more than a month’s worth of money in the accounts. We have poured everything back into the business for the past 6 months. We still have a lot of food in the pantry. We still have other supplies (I DID have to buy Toilet paper last week! LOL) We are about to start Q4. We are about halfway to what we need to meet our needs for our family of 7. At the current rate of growth, we will reach that amount in October. I’ve never doubted the Lord brought us to this business, and that He would use it to meet our needs. Now, though, I feel I can share a bit with you ‘insiders’ just how close we are to making a go of it! Love the support we get here, and looking forward to the future. Thanks for letting me whoop a bit! Resume your current activities.

–  Sue P., posted in Silent Sales Machine Facebook Group

I am Rudy W. and I became a coaching student in Jim Cockrums programs in 2013. Since then I am now making 6k a month with one of the Ebay business models the coaching staff recommended. I was very skeptical since I failed at many different ventures before coming to this coaching program. But I am now 5 figures with my soon to be gone teaching job. As a kid from Compton, California, I never thought I could achieve at these levels of success, but I am… I am tearing up as I write this review. Because I failed so much and spent almost 15,000 in courses but I never quit.. When i found Jim’s coaching and website it changed my family’s life overnight. If you are reading this testimonial, then its time to stop with the shiny object syndrome and just stick to Jim Cockrum’s coaching and all his products. However, the products and biz models are not what separate Jim’s coaching program from everyone else. But its the people he hires that separates his coaching program. There are many people who offer coaching, biz models and products. But its the people Jim hires .”leaders create leaders”. Nathan and Terry are the best… Nathan helped me get over my fear of failing. I was so scared on my first phone call with him, Nathans voice and confidence calmed me alone. Nathan assured me I could do 6k a month in my niche if I worked…And I did… Terry just has a presence about him that just exudes success and makes you feel like no matter where you start you will experience a certain level of success with the coaching program… The coaching program can make no guarantees… But if you work the coaching program will work. Jim’s coaches have their own online businesses which makes them that much more amazing because they make you feel as if your the only one they are dealing with… And they never make me feel as if I am bothering them..And I know I do… Lol… I am now working on my second offline business and I have no doubt I will be successful… especially since I have MySilentTeam.com…But nothing works unless you do and keep and open mind… If you listen and do these things and work success will happen for you..Jim and his team offer no quick fixes..But tried and tested methods that have worked for the last 9 years.. Big ups!!!!! to Nathan, Jim Cockrum, Terry, Robin and Lexy…I never wait very long for them to get back to me..They wont leave you lost in any process. Each one of those people all have top notch spirit and energy newbies need to to be successful.

–  Rudy W., MST Coaching students

Hello Jim, Through your coaching programs we have changed our life and our family. We have been able to increase our giving (time and talent) to our church and to others. We have also been able to offer work for over 5 people. Within 3 months of purchasing one of your courses I quit my job to be available for my son (who has health issues) and to build our business. We hope to have my husband quite his job in the next 6-8 months as well. You and your organization has changed our lives. We have a financial security we have never had before. I would be honored to help you to highlight what hard work and your programs can do. We are on course to do over 1/2 million in gross sales this year, pretty impressive considering less than 3 years ago we started with $100 from our emergency fund.   R. Johnson You’re about the only guy online who has actually produced courses that have been making me money online. I thank God for you.

–  Andrew H.

Sure, we’ve heard about R. Gardner and K. Evoy all over the place, but what about Jim Cockrum? This has to be one of the most overlooked affiliate-profit boosting eBooks I’ve read. Although the techniques described in this eBook could be used for non-affiliate websites, this is a must-have for all affiliate marketers.

– Charles Amith, “Niche Marketing Extraordinaire”

I, personally, know what a kind and helpful person that Jim is. A few years ago, when I was an out-to-lunch newbie, I had downloaded something important (to me) and I could not find it, no matter what I did. I was on Jim’s mailing list and so I sent him an email wailing for help, never expecting an answer. When what to my wondering eyes should appear but an email from Jim giving me clues as to how I should find my download. He never left me until I had actually unearthed it. Then I cried…How often does a busy business man take time to help a clueless dummy? Jim Cockrum is an absolute PRINCE. He is kind and helpful and honest. All these attributes are rare nowadays, especially in internet marketing. Thank you, Jim!

–  comment by paiagal3824 on Youtube

I just wanted to say thanks for all the PHENOMENAL content in Marketing 101. I am a business coach to SME businesses and i send your book to all of my clients as it’s a brilliant resource that is highly effective, punchy, up to date and packed with loads of golden nuggets! I have listened to the audiobook 3 times and have the hardback book to reference and scribble on when i need to. It would be great to keep in touch and to come along to any events you’re running in the future.

All the best, – Nick

A review left on YouTube from a past reader…

I wanted to take a few minutes and send you a success story about the business I’m now running. I started 4.5 years ago after listening to a short recording Jim made. I got things up and running immediately. I originally was looking for something my mom could do, but things took off quickly and it turned into a business for me as well. Now, almost 4.5 years later, we are set to purchase $600K in product this year and earn over $130K in profit. We’ve also been able to add other types of product to our inventory as part of Jim’s liquidation training. We’ve been increasing our business steadily over the last couple years and plan to continue doing so far into the future. I’m thankful for the training and opportunities I’ve received through Jim Cockrum’s programs and MySilentTeam.com membership. I’ve learned quite a bit over the years on a variety of different subjects. I’ve been following Jim since January 2005 and plan to continue doing so. In fact, he’s one of the few people I follow these days. Thanks Jim!

–  Clint H.

I’m making MORE each week than during my working career thanks to your group here. I have a List, per your teaching Rules, of 11 repeat customers that has taken one year and 8 months to build. My monthly income from this list, alone, is in a range from $1600 from a bad sales month to $8000 to the best of months. $4000 is a fair average. From your exact teaching… Many months no one is added to the list and other months one is added to the list. The business I have was started 100% from Your teaching. At first I had NO idea this business even Existed. Thank you Jim, thank you. You have my complete and free permission to publish this unsolicited testimonial on your pages wherever you want.

–  J. Lowe in Michigan

This long time fan of Jim’s book and newsletter says: I’m convinced the best way to get into the Online game is eBay…I encourage people that are wanting to get into eBay to buy your book!

–  Dave and Debbie Harber of HomePokerChips.com

Hello Jim, I bought your book over a year ago and continue to read and reread parts of it. There is so much info in it! Still enjoy the newsletters also.

Thanks, Ginger

Jim is one of my all time favorite online mentors, a highly trusted source of information about internet marketing of many kinds, been following him for years… would invest in anything by Jim without reservation. I bought his ‘Silent Sales Machine’ many moons ago and also was a member at his site for awhile, then moved and life interrupted, may very well end up a member there again. comment left by ‘crosscreations’ on squido.com I purchased your e-book last Saturday. Read it once over the weekend and I’m re-reading again right now. I would suspect that I’ll read it several times. Just wanted to send a little note to let you know that pound for pound, this is great information! Thanks again for creating such a great product!

– Gaston

I am VERY selective about the books I recommend to my list. Yours was so good that it selected itself!

– Martin

Purchased the PAC course about 8 months ago. My wife and I read and re-read the material, read the forums, and promptly talked ourselves out of it ever being possible to work. So fast forward to about two weeks ago. Then we realized we hadn’t done anything with the info so whose fault was it if was less now and we hadn’t seen if it works. We decided the heck with it we were going to send in some items and see what happens. We purchased some items on mark down for really cheap, 1 and 2 dollars cheap. Sent them in along with some books and a couple of kids DVDs we bought at a store going out of business down the street. So today, one day after going live we have two orders shipped! Total investment, 3 dollars for the two items, total sales, $46.89! After Amazon fees profit of $32.76! These are just the first two of twenty five items! So for everyone who keeps questioning themselves and others about whether this works just TAKE ACTION. So tomorrow we will be hitting more stores looking for deals. So glad we finally decided to do something instead of just reading about it!

– Rob W.

When it comes to small business, I’m the expert, but when it came to marketing my own information products on eBay and on the Web, I was just as lost as the next guy. I was just about ready to hire a high priced consultant ($1,500 an hour) to help me get started when I came across your Silent Sales Machine book. I read the book in one sitting and put your advice into practice the next day. Within a few days I had orders on eBay and traffic funneling to my website (without violating eBay policy). Net result: over $600,000 in revenue for 2004 and 2005 will surpass that. Your book costs a few dollars, but the information has proved to be priceless. Yours is the first resource I recommend to my readers, my subscribers, and everyone else who wants to know how to succeed online.

 Sincerely, Tim Knox Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker

I’ve been a member of Jim Cockrum’s newsletter since 2001 and I have increased my profits streams by 300%. Not only that, but I continue to enjoy $2000.00 profit a month on my products already in circulation. I would recommend The Silent Sales Machine book to anyone.

 – Ron and Adrienne Smith – dollarseyezak.ws

Thanks for the most informative newsletter ever!

 –  L. Clemons Greensboro, North Carolina

I am progressing nicely with the biz. My gross total in sales for October was at $4700. So, I’m very optimistic about my future sales. I’m also going to get into selling collectibles on eBay. I’m going to follow the techniques laid out in a few courses regarding this business model. That’s it for now. So, things are starting to look up. Thank you again for your help. I hope we can talk again someday. Have a great week.

 –  George N.

I bought a lot (a load of product) as a result of your course (using the NLN concept they give us). It went perfect and what a ‘dream come true’. Never having to touch the product and already making sales with a ROI of 100+%. I will recoup my cost of the course with this first deal. Wayne S. We are extremely thankful to Linda, Jim and Nathan for offering us this opportunity. We are truly blessed and look forward to working with everyone in the class Michelle F. (It wasn’t easy, but…) Once I connected with the source (that Jim/Linda gave me), it took a grand total of 3 days from first call to FedEx picking up the boxes – AWESOME! Just wanted to share my happy news on a Friday afternoon! Thanks to both of you for all your help! Donna W. I wanted to post my first success story acquiring product from *****. I made my very first call and the ***** told me he was very interested in speaking with me and had product he immediately wanted to sell. We started the negotiating process and I just purchased several thousand dollars worth of new inventory from him. Linda’s guide has been spot on every step of the way. When I needed questions answered, (Jim’s partner for LIT training) Linda provided the extra help I needed to get the deal closed. This ******* now has other lines he wants to sell me and has even said he would start referring me to other ***** he knows. My very first call could quite possibly lead to all the products I will ever need should this materialize as I think it can.

 –  Todd R.

I’ve been truly amazed at how much opportunity we have all been offered to be a part of this program. I can’t thank Linda enough for making her methods available or Jim for making it available to his subscribers. I know we’ve just scratched the surface of what is possible. My wife and I were looking for something that would change our lives – so that one day I could work from home with my family in OUR business. We’ve found it!

 –   Jeff and Christy H.

I felt the need to post a huge thank you for the LIT mentorship that we each have access to as part of this training. Today I ran into a situation with a rather large agency that has numerous “A” type products and they asked me for a personal referral from an agency that has worked with my company Vine Associates. They didn’t just want a rep referral but a full blown agency recommendation. I sent Linda Tyler an email request for how I could make this happen. She responded within 5 minutes and asked me for more details. Within a half hour I received a call from (Jim’s partner for LIT training) Linda stating that the agency was now ready to do business with me. I just wanted to thank Linda, Jim, and Nathan for putting this LIT group together! Your support on the sidelines has been stellar and more than I bargained for when I was selected to be involved with this group. I just closed a deal for an inventory of ******* that have a pretty good sell through rate and they definitely fit the 115% rule. The book you wrote Linda is all that is needed to put these deals together. I have read it numerous times and it is worth it’s weight in gold. Everybody keep at it because this business model is something special!

 –   Chuck & Kathy K.

I could never thank (Jim’s partner for LIT training) Linda enough for all the support and advice she鈥檚 been giving me along the way. This is a fantastic business model, but it鈥檚 not easy, (nor did I expect it to be) it takes a lot of individual determination and focus; however the support Linda provides is golden. With Jim鈥檚 inspiration, Nathan dedication and Linda鈥檚 Knowledge and support I think LIT will evolve into something bigger than any of us can imagine.

 –   Jerry G.

Jim, Just a note to thank you for your newsletter. I find the articles informative and timely. Often, the articles have helped me in the marketing aspect of our business. This is the only newsletter of this type that is of genuine value to me each time I receive it. The products you suggest and the research you do are the best. Keep up the good work and thanks again!

 –   Laura H.

I see a link for removing myself from your newsletter. I WON’T EVEN THINK OF ENTERTAINING THAT IDEA! I look forward to each and every one of them!

 –   Don Britt

Hi Jim …Your ideas and resources are incredible. Having been on ebay for 10 years now and selling over 15,000 items with our main acct we have been able to raise a family and yet we both work at it 10-12 hours a day 6-7 days a week And of course even a couple days off means a total drop in income. So many books talk about similar concepts as yours but of the literally thousands of dollars and countless hours of time I have spent reading them–none has actually shown us how to do it. Your step by step instructions and resources are making it very easy to set it all up. We can’t change 5 minutes ago and everything we have done in the past has brought us to this point–but it took your part time plan book to finally make us realize that we need to stop and do it all right now. We’ve bought all 3 of your books and printed copies of each and every page and you should see all the stacks and dogeared pages. (Editor note: All 3 of the books he’s referring to have been condensed into the latest version of ‘Silent Sales Machine’.) Well thank you doesn’t begin to express our appreciation for all your help-its shown us a new way of thinking and a new beginning .

 –   Tim Peterson

Your info is absolutely fantastic and has given me tons of new ideas and additional profit centers. I’ve even printed out your books and all your newsletters–well over 1000 pages so far. Thanks Again!

 –   Tim eBay Powerseller for 8 years! (editor note – Everyone from “newbie” to experienced sellers need creative ideas to take them to the next level.)

To tell the truth, I haven’t read an ezine this good in months. Most of my email is flooded with spam and I have just never had time to read any ezines at all. But today I was going through my emails and I came across your ezine and I started reading, It’s G-R-E-A-T!! You have fantastic content and I will make sure to save all your future emails 馃檪 It’s been so long since I signed up to this ezine, I think it was nearly a year ago. Anyway I’d like to say thanks to you for being one of the “good” ezine owners on the net! I will continue to read for as long as you continue to write 馃槈

Thanks again,– Daniel SchrammP.S. I hardly ever find an ezine of this quality, keep it up!!

…if you’re into Auctions and want a unique slant on increasing your profits, you should know about The Silent Sales Machine. His methods are highly successful. We’ve been recommending his book for some time now, and have heard from many of our Members who have written to thank us for sending them to Jim. 

– Chris Malta – Drop Ship Directory (editor note – All testimonials are unsolicited)

…congrats on your new ebook, Turn Auction Traffic into Cash. I got it and it is excellent. I also got your free update to my old version of “Silent Sales Machine”, and I agree with everyone that you’ve written the best and most authoritative guide to making money with eBay. You are a brilliant guy…

– Ron (editor note – The concepts of “Turn Auction Traffic Into Cash” are now integrated into the latest version of ‘Silent Sales Machine’)

I highly recommend this book…

– David Guindon

I enjoy your newsletters very much, and have lost my August ’05 issue of Creative eBay Selling. I have searched everywhere for it. Would it be possible to get a new copy?

Charlene (editor note – You’ll get hooked on our free newsletter too – we get requests like this all the time!)

Find the Hidden money in Ebay besides just your auctions!


This book is an incredible way to make more money. It teaches you how to step by step, use the traffic generated by your eBay auctions to make a ton more money. The idea is pure genius and easy to implement. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Platinum Power Seller Mike Enos

…this book is a “must read”… Don’t be left out in the cold while others are rolling in the dough!!

 “Cat” – ebay seller with over 2,000 feedback

One very helpful learning source has been the Silent sales Machine. The amount of information they provide is great! If you are thinking of getting started or expanding your current eBay business be sure to check out this terrific source!

 Bean and Boo

Believe me, I get plenty of newsletters, but I read yours immediately when I receive it. 75% of the time, I don茂驴陆t read the others….

 Nancy  Cleary

Check out the Silent Sales Machine and sign up for Jim’s free newsletter! He gives great information no matter what you sell on ebay.

  ebay seller with 890+ feedback

The Silent Sales Machine is an awesome ebook… that explains a unique concept of attaining profits from eBay that strays a bit from the typical outlook of most sellers. He shows you ways to make a considerable profit on eBay without listing hundreds or thousands of items at a time, all the while staying well within the strict eBay policies that govern sellers.

  powerseller with 1800+ feedback

If you are serious about your eBay business you may want to check this out. It’s an excellent ebook, the Silent Sales Machine. I have learned a lot of cool secrets related to building stable, profit producing traffic for your eBay auctions. If you are looking to take your eBay business to the next level, I highly recommend this material!

  ebay seller with 200 feedback

My wife Leslie and I are Building Our Dream Business with the help of Jim Cockrum’s book.

  Henry G.

This is how we became powersellers on eBay and you could do the same too …(just) by reading my favorite FREE eBay newsletter! – Platinum powerseller Jaime Cruz Hello Jim. I want to thank you for all that you have done to help me grow my eBay business and beyond. You have really gotten me out of the box!

  Darell Hein

Awesome products!!! Really creative eBooks and helpful for me. You茂驴陆re the first honest person that I茂驴陆ve found on the internet. I茂驴陆m so thankful about this because you literally open my mind to online marketing!

  Adrian -Student at University of Waterloo, Kitchener Ontario

I have learned a great deal from you about how to begin a business on line, interestingly enough I have learned most from the way you treat customers, and prospective customers. It’s all about creating a relationship of trust and rapport. I have always been a huge skeptic, believing that most on line businesses are successful by means of scamming the innocent and uninformed. Kudos to you for your integrity. It’s a diminishing trait of character in our world today. You have proven to me that you can have integrity AND success on line. Many sincere thanks.

 Cordially, Kenny Bunnell

Awesome products!!! Really creative eBooks and helpful for me. You茂驴陆re the first honest person that I茂驴陆ve found on the internet. I茂驴陆m so thankful about this because you literally open my mind to online marketing!

  Adrian -Student at University of Waterloo, Kitchener Ontario

First, your Silent Sales Machine book continues to impress. I must have read and reread that thing about four times already . . . yes, it’s THAT good!

  Dennis Jones


   John Giagnotti

Your prompt response to my requests make me feel confident in my purchases. Once again, thanks.

  Jerry P. S. You made my day!

….there’s so much junk out there, it makes me mad as hell. In fact, I had to investigate your “Silent Sales Machine” all weekend just to make sure I wasn’t buying another elementary education EBay book again. I finally purchased it last night from you and am VERY impressed thus far and I’m only on page 50… I’ve been selling for over a year on EBay and am mad I didn’t apply these ideas before. 

  Jen Nicotero

Great service, great book. All of the included links (resource page) alone make it well worth the price ! Thank you very much,

  Scott W.

You over delivered on this product and it is very well presented.

  Myrtle Welch

…Wow – I can not begin to tell you how your wisdom about ebay and ebusiness has helped me big time…Jim thank you for all the wonderful e-mail and info you are one of the best!!!

  Harold Jackson

I have been a loyal subscriber to your newsletter for a while. So茂驴陆far it has been the best Newsletter I have subscribe to. I remember receiving your Silent Sales Machine book twice. I brought your book the 1st time and my wife brought it for me the 2nd time for a surprise! I never sent you an email to refund my money for the second purchase though because you really pour your heart into your book and you gave me the info to become successful on eBay. Thanks Jim!

 Karl Graham Aspiring Netpreneur

I am a seasoned seller and your book actually contained advice and tips that I would have never thought of that will actually help me and my ebay business. I茂驴陆ve read some of the other books out there that were just thrown together with no research or hard work. Yours is actually helpful with up-to-date fresh ideas and strategies. Thank you very much.

 Mike G.

Thanks a million, Jim! Look forward to many years of financial success with the implementation of your ideas from “The Silent Sales Machine”. As an eBay Powerseller, I thought I had it pretty well covered, but your ebook opened up a whole new avenue of revenue for me! From newbie, to veteran eBayer, there is something for all to learn here! Very well laid out, easy to understand, I’m impressed!

 Scot S. eBay Powerseller with over 6,000 feedbacks

Dear Jim, Thank you SOOOOOO Much for your book and Newsletter. They are like a helping hand in the jungle. Keep it up. Thanks again.

Warm regards, – Yvonne Tagbo London, England

Thanks very much for a GREAT book. I have been selling on Ebay for about 3 years. After reading your book my head is spinning with new ideas. I really can’t put into words my thanks for helping me over the top on my eBay plans. FINALLY a simple plan explained the way most people can understand it. I must admit, part of me knows you should be selling your book for more money. It would be WELL worth it! Thanks AGAIN! Off to read it again and absorb a little more. Happy Fathers day!

– Mike W— West Salem, Ohio

(Editor Note: This next testimonial was sent to Jim after doing a radio interview with KTAR AM in Phoenix, Arizona. The note is from the shows producer.)

Thanks again for being on the show today! You were a great, highly informed and articulate guest… It’s a pleasure promoting you and your book.

–  David Moskowitz, Producer “Drive Home with Preston Westmoreland” show Phoenix, AZ www.620KTAR.com

I purchased your ebook this morning and couldn’t put it down. I must admit I was skeptical about a couple of your claims prior to reading the ebook, but boy did you prove me wrong! I was blown away and inspired by several of the secret techniques you revealed. I can assure you I plan to put them in force before the week is over. Without a doubt your book has taught this old dog new tricks about making money on eBay. Congratulations on having the foresight and wisdom to share these secrets with others. I’m sure it will pay you huge dividends down the road. You’ve made both a friend and a believer out of me. I can’t wait to buy your next book.

–  Craig Whitley eBook Author and e-Commerce Consultant

…the inspiration and courage to get this started was all derived from “The Silent Sales Machine” and Jim Cockrum. Being a skeptic I mulled it over but finally stepped up to the plate. The best $24 I’ve ever spent. Ebay is the vehicle and Jim’s book is the road.

–  Jeff – Alabama (Editor Note: The book and resources have been expanded since our price was $24. The price has gone up a little since we received this testimonial.)

Hi Jim, thanks for the book I read it and also read 2 others on e-bay auctions. Yours is so much more to the point than the others! The other 2 took me for a ride around the block if you know what I mean! They made it sound so hard that I wanted to give up before I even started.

–  Dan

I’ve recently become very serious about ebay sales. Your info has been most helpful. God Bless you for doing your newsletter for free. I for one appreciate it.

–  Jean S.

I had to have my computer upgraded and during the process I lost your ‘Silent Sales Machine’ book. Can I please download it again? I was especially using the resource page A LOT – I use this book like my eBay BIBLE. I AM LOST WITHOUT IT. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

–  Sandra Dobbs (Editor Note: Of course we helped Sandra out!!)

Great book with great ideas!!!! Definitely worth it!!

–  Mike P.

Hi Jim, How often is the Creative eBay Selling Newsletter issued? It’s terrific, by the way! Lots of good information and resources. Thanks…

–  Susan

Editor note: Our free newsletter is published 2-3 times per month. All past archives back to Jan of 2002 are available for free to those that buy Jim’s book “The Silent Sales Machine”

I want to thank you for your informative newsletter. It is one of the few I always read and enjoy thoroughly!

–  Scott J.

I must begin by saying I find your literature highly motivating. I’ve read material before claiming to make you serious money but your ebook has to be the most logical and without catches…

–  Lee Broom Bournemouth, England

…(your book) is the best I have read regarding eBay I shall look forward to implementing its many superb ideas in the weeks to come Seems like I have just won the lottery tonight Many thanks!

Kind regards, –  John J Butler

My name is Tyler B. I have been selling and buying on eBay for about 3 years. I read your book today. It is amazing… I ordered the “Silent Sales Machine” book and would like to give credit when it’s due. I sincerely appreciate the advice you gave in it. I sell _____ on eBay and am the largest volume dealer of _____ on eBay. In less than 4 hours I already have made more than twice the amount of money your book cost me. I am so excited and wanted to thank you sincerely. 

Regards –  Omar

Awesome book!! …putting it to use already. (Tell others) dont pass this up! I give it 5 stars…

–  Wendy T.

Thanks Jim for your time and keep up the fantastic work – you truly are a force for good in this world.

Best Wishes,Keith Ireland

Hello Jim, It’s great to hear from you: both your welcome to “Silent Sales Machine”, and your Newsletter com-muniques with tips and additional resource options. My time is extremely booked, as I’m sure yours is. The insights and tips you share help protect and fine-tune my time management.

All Best,Dave Easton

Great book. Jim is very helpful, and friendly. I HIGHLY recommend it to others! Put this on your testimonials page!

– Thomas A.

Never in the history of the world has it been easier to make money while working from your home PC! Jim, you have created a book that is a must read for all who want to profit online. I thank you for giving me a new and better perspective.

– Wayne Hairston

Hi Jim! Just wanted to drop you a quick line and say thanks for your book. I read it a few months back and promptly started my own (silent sales machine). I earn $2.99 every month from 375 subscribers now (just started in April and growing daily)! I am working on a companion website, which is nearly done, and once I’m finished automating all the infrastructure I’ll be able to try out a few new marketing strategies that I’m pretty excited about. 

Rachel Shubin Woodburn, OR

I read your book three weeks ago. I had been dabbling with selling items on Ebay for over a year, but your book inspired me to start selling _______. In just three weeks I have profited $450 (I was on vacation in Florida for two of those weeks). Now that I am home, I have customers waiting… 

R. J. Beaty

Hi Jim, I’m just reading the new SSM after my free update arrived – great stuff and so much more… Thanks! 

Gavir Patel

There was one sentence in the Silent Sales book that said it all for me. After applying this technique, I am making sale after sale. I have purchased ________ from the ______ store for a quarter and have sold some of them for over $20 and $30 each. I made approximately $500 in July my first month, while still learning and experimenting with different auction categories. I have money coming in my Paypal account practically every day. 

L. Meade

…thanks a million for the information you have cobbled together – great read! 

Kevin McFaulds

I just bought 3 ______ buttons for $6 total and listed them in separate auctions and made $83 profit!! Thanks! 


Book contains a WEALTH of information! Good job Jim! Thanks! 

Kathy C.

This is the best book I have ever bought…Great book (about) how to make great money online! 

Jack L.

Hello. I purchased your ebook about 3-4 months ago. It’s loaded with very pertinent information and has helped me immensely. Question: do you have an updated/newer ebook yet? Would like to purchase if/when it’s available. Please advise. Many thanks, 

S. Passman

There was one sentence in the Silent Sales book that said it all for me. After applying this technique, I am making sale after sale. I have purchased ________ from the ______ store for a quarter and have sold some of them for over $20 and $30 each. I made approximately $500 in July my first month, while still learning and experimenting with different auction categories. I have money coming in my Paypal account practically every day. 

L. Meade

Jim, I am just sending this mail to you to show my appreciation for your quick response to my (eBay) predicament. I thank you very much, you are unique mentor, may God keep on blessing you more and more.

Elijah Ogunbiyi

..I have learned some exiting new ways to increase my income – Thanks! 


Clever ideas, well written & useful… I’ll make some $$ with this… I have to let you know that I really enjoyed and learned a lot from your silent sales machine book, it really opened up my eyes and I am very glad and grateful that you are sharing your knowledge and wisdom about online business. Thanks again. 


Do you ever do seminars? I’m only an hour north of Indianapolis and I would love to learn more about how to become an infopreneur! Thanks for the great newsletters. 


(Regarding The Silent Sales Machine book) …you have developed a wonderful concept that can be adapted to a multiplicity of products. Thanks again, 

Frank Snow

GREAT INFO! LOTS OF USEFUL TIPS! Here’s to Success… Thanks again Jim! The Silent Sales Machine book is an amazing resource for me and has gotten me started to earn more of an income from my auctions. The free newsletter is Awesome! 

Jenni Hunt

Excellent Book. Gave me tips I’d never think of to improve my Business Hi, I have been reading the information from your “silent sales machine” book all weekend… I’ve started a new small business selling _________. You have made me see E-Bay in a whole new light! Thank you! 

Jan B.

I was thinking of you as I was looking at my bank account and saw the latest ClickBank deposit. Your advice really works. I started up this Silent Sales Machine 3 years ago and it is still producing. – God Bless, 

Wayne Larimore 

I don’t have any $2,000 dollar a day stories but I consistently bring in $1,500 a month on Ebay.com VERY part-time with just my front-end products and my expenses are just under $100. This is just my front-end! Thanks 

Jim. B. Rodgers 

If You can’t profit from reading this book, then you aint really trying! This is a must have book for any online seller or wanna be seller! Hi Jim- thanks for a great book, I truly found some great ideas that I can put to work for me… Yours is the first one that I manage to read from cover to cover (usually it’s always ‘been there-seen that’) . Keep up with the great ideas – I’m looking forward to your next one… thanks, 


Dear Jim, I’ve just found my receipt for my copy of the Silent Sales Machine book which i bought last year. I’ve been meaning to get in touch with you as I had a bit of a disaster here recently – my house was burgled and among the things taken was my laptop computer with all my work for the last two years on it. I had most of the major things backed up fairly recently but among the things I did lose completely were my all my e-mails, e-books and software downloads. As you can imagine this has cost me a lot of time and inconvenience. Among the things that went was my copy of the SSM book, so I wondered if you would be kind enough to resend me a download link again so that I can start getting back on track. I hope this isn’t too much of a problem for you. Order details follow…

EDITOR NOTE: What a testimony to the value of this book to this guy! His computer was stolen and he tracked us down a year later to get Jim’s eBook back! We get this type of request frequently.

Great ideas – convinced me to start selling online ASAP… Thanks Jim! I wanted something to do that would allow me more time with my children, show them how to make money just using our mind and a plan, and something that was so easy I could do it any time, all the time, or just a little and still get results. Happy to say, I have gotten some great results! I will be able to cover a lot of bills this month because of my “side line” and my children see how things work when one just keeps persevering after one’s goals. I hope you are happy to know that I have begun to make it happen for me and my children, and I thank you for your realistic approach and verbal encouragement toward making me a successful ebay seller!

– S. Lance

WONDERFUL, Useful Info and Great Ideas… Very informative book…lots of great ideas….easy ways to make $$$$ on E-Bay I have read about eight pages and I am totally fascinated. I am already convinced it was worth the price. 3 words – Brilliant, Absolutely Brilliant….Three more words -BUY THIS BOOK… Thanks, 


I get phone calls three or four times a year from people who saw me on your testimonial page – they look me up in the phone book, and want to know if the book is really worth it. I always tell them yes, of course! My website has around 1100 subscribers now and I have five people working for me now… 


I just wanted you to know how much I thoroughly enjoyed your book. Talk about tons of information!!!! The information in your newsletter should prove invaluable. If you sell online or are interested in online business, this book will make you serious money, or even make you rich! Great book loaded with great ideas and helpful information – very worthwhile! I am sure with all the sales this book must have you don’t remember who has or hasn’t bought it. Well I bought it quite some time ago – didn’t know a thing about the internet but decided that I didn’t need this book to make a go of it. So I asked for a return of funds which you promptly made. Well as you can see I’ve turned around and purchased this book again. (No I won’t be asking for a refund this time) Why did I re-buy this book? Well I was purging old files on my computer and I came across SilentSalesMachine. I started to read it again and realized that I had passed over a gold mine. I decided that if I was going to use the book it would be dishonest of me not to pay for using it. Not only am I going to use it I am also an affiliate offering Silent Sales Machine to others. I thought you might get a little chuckle knowing that your book gets “Smarter” as it ages. Well if you have a mind to – wish me luck this time and keep those newsletters coming. The info gets clearer every time I read one. An appreciative customer and Fan, 


extremely valuable book…Read it and follow it…thanks Jim for the inspiration…great thought provoking information… This is the real thing – I’d buy again from Jim! 

Mike W.

At last, info I can put to use. Jim really knows his stuff! I have spent the last several months reading many ebooks… I really enjoyed yours. It is very informative and you have explained your ideas and concepts (well)… Keep up the great work 


Many thanks for your book, I’ve been thinking about nothing else since I first read it. Once again, many thanks 

Tom Carter

Reveals income streams I’d never thought of! Thanks! 


AWESOME IDEAS… Jim your’e a Genius!! 

Heather P. 

I get so excited every time I get your newsletter. You throw your readers so many unique ideas in each one. You have really changed the way I think about making money online. Knowing that there’s actual people (like you!) that are doing so really inspires me. Thank you for putting out such great information it really surprises me how much you give to your readers, long after the sale! I wish you the absolute best of luck with everything! A lifetime customer, 


Five stars ***** I would highly recommend it. Outstanding book. Well worth reading. I would highly recommend it. 

SMT – UK (Review submitted on Amazon UK)

Five stars ***** Get This Book! This is it! If you are looking for a way to sell on Amazon get this! If you are looking for a way to positively change your life? Get this! Excellent!!!! 

Albert – Canada (Review submitted on Amazon Canada)

Oh wow! I love the new version of silent sales machine audiobook!!! Jim Cockrum is brilliant! Like Steve Jobs / Warren Buffett / Napolean Hill / Dale Carnegie brilliant! 

Andrew Stevenson 

Hey Jim, Bought the book and I鈥檓 into chapter 3. I almost got caught in the affiliate marketing trap, so just for that reason I鈥檓 already sold on your book. I鈥檒l be doing the PAC course as soon as I鈥檓 done with the book. Thanks, 


Read what the students of one of Jim’s highest level coaching courses have to say about their experience. The comments on this blog post are unedited and very telling in regards to the loyalty and excitement of Jim’s readers. Here’s another popular blog post that lead to dozens of Jim’s readers telling their stories of success. Read some stories of success from those who have gone on to join Jim’s membership site.

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